The World's Most Solid
Weather Protection
SiteCover has the same design loads as a permanent building. It's storm
proof and snow proof to Danish standards, and offers factory-grade
production facilities for the work crews.

Main Structure
Main Structure
- Module size: 14.4m x 14.4m (Special modules can be produced)
- Maximum span of 6 modules (86.4m) in width and unlimited number of modules in length
- Legs can be adjusted to compensate for up to 10m of difference in ground level (17-27m)
- Design loads are equal to those of a permanent structure in compliance with the Eurocode. (Full snow load and wind resistant to 20m/sec.)

Crane capacity
Crane capacity
- Up to 30m hook height
- 12.5 ton lift capacity (with a hoist speed of 30m/minute)
- Traverse speed 30-50m/minute
- Two-crane lift capacity up to 25 tons
- Wireless remote control with load display

Side Walls / Entrance Gate
Side Walls / Entrance Gate
- Side walls can be lowered in case of storm warnings over 20m/sec.
- Roller gate has a width of 8-10m
- Remote control

- Transported on standard 13.6m flatbed trailer
- Tower transported on extended trailers
- Materials are transported on specially designed jacks, frames, etc.

Assembling / Disassembling
Assembling / Disassembling
- 400-600m² assembled a day
- Assembled using 120-200tm crane
- 6-8 workers needed for assembly

Base Foundation
Base Foundation
- Assembled directly on the ground using concrete blocks of 2.4x2.4m.
- Maximum earth pressure approximately 200kN/m²